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Commercial Food Packaging Logistics

Commercial Food Packaging Logistics

Leaders in Commercial Food Packaging Logistics

When it comes to the shipment and storage of commercial food packaging, Murphy is well-established as a leader in safe, secure, and reliable commercial food packaging logistics. 

在食品物流中,不同的产品必须在不同的温度下储存. 商业食品包装在食品物流的成功中起着很大的作用, 因为在不正确的温度下储存产品会很快导致浪费, 在储存过程中保护食品的包装在温度对产品的影响中起着很大的作用.

大多数易腐食品必须储存在华氏40度或以下. Even though 32 degrees Fahrenheit is officially a “freezing” temperature, food deteriorates more quickly between 0 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit, 因此,大多数冷冻食品需要保持在0度左右的温度下.


你们的商业食品包装必须足够坚固,以保证货物在长时间的运输中不受影响. 此外,它必须遵守严格的食品安全和卫生准则. 此外,你需要有诱人的包装,让人们有理由相信你的品牌.

Common Commercial Food Packaging

食品制造商在决定包装时有很多选择. The proper form of packaging depends on what is being stored, and consideration should be made for transportation and delivery. Some of the most common and recommended types of food packaging include;


A popular form of food packaging is the box. 它们更耐用,因为它们可能由金属、木材或波纹纤维板组成. 运输食品最常用的纸箱是瓦楞纸箱.

These containers are distinguished for their strong construction, which enables for the shipment of food products with confidence. 食品也保持新鲜和密封在瓦楞纸箱,减少腐败的机会. 这种包装形式最好的部分是,你可以创造各种风格,它是适应性强.

纸盒之所以受欢迎,是因为它们能够抵御食源性细菌. 在瓦楞纸箱的制造过程中,使用极热将组件熔合在一起. 大多数细菌不能忍受这种温度,这种温度可以达到华氏180度以上. 当食品放入瓦楞纸箱时,很少有细菌残留在瓦楞纤维中. 因此,这些容器是卫生的,安全的,值得信赖的食物储存.

Glass Jars

Due to its qualities that include recycling, reuse, and neutral reactivity, glass is often used as packing material for commercial foods. 玻璃防止污染,并允许长期保存食品和饮料. For instance, beer is preserved by being kept in dark glass bottles. Glass jars, lids, containers, and bottles come in a variety of sizes, styles, and colors to suit different needs. 

食品、饮料、化学品、药品、化妆品和其他产品经常用玻璃包装. Glass ampoules, glass bottles, glass lids, 玻璃瓶塞是构成全球玻璃包装市场的产品细分. The applications for food include wet food packaging, dry food packaging, packaging for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and specialty food packaging.

Plastic Bottles (PETE)

PETE是用来从铝箔袋中制造坚硬瓶子的同一种聚乙烯. PET或PETE的字母印在瓶子底部的回收标志旁边. 这种容器具有较高的阻氧性能,可以用来储存有吸氧剂的干散货. 密封容器的低氧浓度有助于通过防止昆虫侵扰和保护储存的食物免受害虫的攻击来保持产品质量. 这些容器提供数年的存储容量,同时非常适合经常轮换的产品.


Polystyrene is used to create a wide range of consumer goods, including hot and cold beverage cups and restaurant packaging. It is widely applied in settings where cleanliness is crucial. Styrene, which also occurs naturally in foods like strawberries, cinnamon, and coffee, is strung together (polymerized) to create polystyrene.

有两种不同的形式——刚性和泡沫——聚苯乙烯经常用于食品包装. 透明的盘子、碗、饮料杯、吸管、餐具和食物容器都是用坚硬的形状制成的. For plates, insulated drinking cups and bowls, clamshell food containers, and trays, the foam form—sometimes referred to by its brand name, Styrofoam—is employed. 泡沫也用于包装货物以供运输,如包装花生.

Foil Pouches

由铝箔层压和聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET或PETE)制成的袋是极好的食品容器. 箔层显著降低了通过薄膜的氧气和水分的数量. One brand name that is frequently used as a generic name is Mylar.

因为与塑料和玻璃等其他材料相比,它具有更高的可回收性和产品品牌的特殊品质, aluminum is a popular choice for food packaging. 与塑料和纸张相比,它是无限可回收的,同时比玻璃更轻、更结实. One of the most malleable and adaptable substances known to man, it is easily molded, stable, resistant to organic acids, and a good conductor of electricity and heat. Additionally, it is one of the most prevalent elements in the crust of the Earth, making it widely accessible.

即使没有维护,铝包装也可以在良好的状态下持续很长时间. Also extending its longevity is the fact that it resists corrosion. 这使得铝成为食品包装的完美材料,因为它可以在整个保质期内保持产品的安全,而不会有变质的风险, 哪一种会破坏产品与外部环境力量之间的屏障.

Food and Beverage Logistics Experts

您选择的承运人对您的运输体验的可负担性和可靠性有很大影响. 你还需要考虑承运人对食品运输的政策和指导方针.

墨菲每天通过解决供应和物流挑战来帮助我们的客户在食品和饮料行业. 我们能够设计出超出客户期望的分销网络. 您将受益于更新鲜的产品,因为我们减少了里程和时间.

与我们的团队一起创建您的定制食品和饮料物流计划,并放心地知道您与最好的合作伙伴. 我们对商业食品包装储存和运输的理解可以让您及时获得所需的包装.

Find out more by speaking to our team